Sunday, 20 June 2010

ME horseriding on Thursday in my lesson.

Every Thursday i do a lesson at 5.00pm to 6.00pm on Thursday we were doing jumping small jumping cross pole and straight bar. I was riding a pony called Gemmia she is good but not all the time she bucks a lot but there a little big but not huge. We were doing things with stirrups and without stirrups. One thing we were is a 20 metre circle in trot then at one at a time we would go in canter. When i was trying to canter without stirrups (which is easy) Gemmia did a small buck and an other time she was going to kick my teachel Hannah. We were did some other things too. After that we did jumping and sometimes Gemmia will slow down before she gets to the jump and the just stop but on thursday she justed zoomed over which was really fun because when i ride her sometimes she dose not do that. So thats what we did so watch out for my posts every thursday because i will be talking about my horseriding:) thanks x


  1. show off! big deal

  2. really i didnt need to know. Your making me jealous. I dont get lessons. Yet...
