Sunday, 13 June 2010

Colic,lameness and minor wounds.

Colic- is one of the most common illnesses that ponies/horses get is colic. This gives them a sore tummy. The first signs of colic are sweating.restlessness ,biting or kicking at the flanks,pawing the ground. If your horse/pony is showing any symptoms of colic you should call the vet who can prescribe some painkillers or even operate them.
Lameness- When they hurt there legs they need help from you to help them nurse them better because them can't. The main signs of lameness are limping,or refusing to put the whole weight on one of there legs the sound of the hooves on the ground, the lenght of the horse's stride.

Minor wounds- Most small wounds can be dealt with on the spot and provided there is no complications these can be treated easliy.

  1. Firstly, stop the bleeding-a little loss of blood from a wound is ok as this is just our way of cleaning the area and most simple bleeding will stop after about twenty minute. To slow down the bleeding aply pressure directly to the wound with a sterile pad or similar material firmly on the cut.
  2. Then clean the wound. You must do this so that no dirt gets in the cut and causes an infection.
  3. Next dress the wound with something that would worl like a plasoter does on a human.
  4. Finally just keep the cut clean you must protect the wound.

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